MBD’s Top Secrets to Matting Maintenance
In this series of maintenance videos, we explore four unique themes to keep your floor matting looking pristine and vibrant. These videos will guide you through the necessary steps for proper mat care with a stylistic flair only our MBD Heroes can provide.
Matting by Design - Daily Maintenance Procedures
Daily Procedures
“Hero By Design”
The MBD superheroes join forces to show you daily steps to keep your matting in mint condition.
Weekly Procedures
“The Product Floor”
Take advice from the MBD crew—mockumentary-style—with tips on ensuring your matting stays “Schrute-perfect.”
Matting by Design - Weekly Maintenance Procedures
Matting by Design - As-Needed Maintenance Procedures
As-Needed Procedures
“Matting 911”
Learn from the real experts how to bring your mat back to life after disasters like inclement weather, stains, and gum spots.
Unrolling & Rolling-Up Storage
“Spy Mission”
Join our crew as we rescue your matting from the dangers of improper rolling and storage.
Matting By Design - Unrolling & Rolling-Up Storage